Submitted Comments
When Novitas and First Coast Service Option re-issued for comment draft LCDs (DL35041 / DL36377) and LCAs (DA54117 / DA57680), the Alliance questioned why little previously-provided stakeholder input was reflected in the re-posted policies. “We identified many issues in our oral testimony given at April and August 2022 public meetings and in our extensive comments dated May 27. Therefore, it is baffling that First Coast and Novitas have reissued the same draft policies – without taking into consideration ANY of our or other stakeholders’ comments,” the Alliance wrote in its most recent comments submitted to the MACs in September The Alliance again took issue with the shift of 40+ products from the covered to non-covered list, flagged numerous clinical inaccuracies, and recommended that the MACSs withdraw these draft LCD/LCAs and work with their Carrier Advisory Committees (CACs) and stakeholders to craft a more accurate policy.
- Opposed CMS' renaming the term "skin substitutes" to "wound care management products."
- Opposed CMS' proposal to change CTP's HCPCS codes from “Q” codes to “A” codes (supply codes). Called out some of the concerning cross-over issues from the proposed 2023 Physician Fee Schedule and recommended that the Agency publish ASPs and continue to accept ASP pricing for inclusion in payment methodology for all CTPs in order to achieve savings and consistency.
- Urged CMS to remove patient access barriers by correcting inadequacies in CTP payments. The Alliance once again submitted the recommendation that CMS make policy updates to (1) Enable Provider-Based Departments to be reimbursed for an adequate amount of CTP products for larger wounds and (2) Equalize payment for the application of CTPs wounds of the same size, no matter where they are on the body.
This second set of comments addressed the consistent themes from both the FDA Wound Healing Workshop and the Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders Wound Care Evidence Summit™ as well as provided recommendations for the FDA to consider adopting. Topics addressed in these comments include: Real world data/real world evidence; primary and secondary clinical endpoints; funding of clinical trials; mechanisms for modifying and expanding claims, new technology innovations in wound care and. more