Educational Seminar with Pricing Data Analysis and Coding (PDAC) contractor Palmetto GBA
September 9-10, 2019
We convened more than 40 PDAC/DMEMAC staff and Medical Directors at Palmetto GBA's offices in South Carolina for a two-day educational session focused on topics including: the phases of wound healing; wound and skin assessment; measurement; documentation; diagnosis and treatment of pressure, diabetic, vascular and arterial ulcers; wound bed preparation; and - a key focus - clinical considerations when selecting dressings/treatments/procedures. Our second day focused on lymphadema, and included a “show & tell” where PDAC & DMEMAC staff could see, touch & try different pneumatic compression devices, wound care dressings and other products to better understand uses and differences. Thanks to our fabulous presenters Emily Greenstein, Natalie Payne and Dr. Mark Melin, and to the Alliance business members that supported our efforts by supplying products and speakers for the interactive "show & tell" session: Smith & Nephew, Acelity, Wound Zoom, AMT Technologies, Prism Medical, Tactile Medical, LymphaPress and Biocompression. We were invited to lead this session based on our reputation over the years with the PDAC and DMEMACs of being the “go-to” expert in providing objective comprehensive wound care information. This shows that over the long term, persistent advocacy really positions us as credible respected partners and gains us a seat at the table.
We convened more than 40 PDAC/DMEMAC staff and Medical Directors at Palmetto GBA's offices in South Carolina for a two-day educational session focused on topics including: the phases of wound healing; wound and skin assessment; measurement; documentation; diagnosis and treatment of pressure, diabetic, vascular and arterial ulcers; wound bed preparation; and - a key focus - clinical considerations when selecting dressings/treatments/procedures. Our second day focused on lymphadema, and included a “show & tell” where PDAC & DMEMAC staff could see, touch & try different pneumatic compression devices, wound care dressings and other products to better understand uses and differences. Thanks to our fabulous presenters Emily Greenstein, Natalie Payne and Dr. Mark Melin, and to the Alliance business members that supported our efforts by supplying products and speakers for the interactive "show & tell" session: Smith & Nephew, Acelity, Wound Zoom, AMT Technologies, Prism Medical, Tactile Medical, LymphaPress and Biocompression. We were invited to lead this session based on our reputation over the years with the PDAC and DMEMACs of being the “go-to” expert in providing objective comprehensive wound care information. This shows that over the long term, persistent advocacy really positions us as credible respected partners and gains us a seat at the table.