August 29, 2016
The Alliance submitted comments to CMS’s proposed ruleMedicare Program; Changes to the Medicare Claims and Entitlement, Medicare Advantage Organization Determination, and Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Determination Appeals Procedures.”  Comments noted the Alliance’s concern that the MACs (Medicare Administrative Contractor) and Qualified Independent Contractors (QIC) are not equipped to appropriately apply precedential decisions,” and raised concerns about many contractors’ inaccurate application of LCD and NCD criteria. The Alliance recommended that CMS create a process to review and reject outdated precedents and suggested that CMS create a process for interested parties to challenge existing precedent. Additionally, the Alliance suggested that all Medicare providers and contractors be trained and educated by CMS on the proper procedures governing precedential cases. The Alliance recommended that CMS provide its contractors with a summary of each case precedent to simplify the process of applying precedent to future appeals.

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